The Pelican Plans

A black and white drawing of a clock on a white background.

6-Pack Plan

Pay as You Go! We know you have a budget so we want to help you manage your hard earned dollars. With the 6-Pack Plan, Pelican will sell and install 6 windows at a time. This allows you to replace your old windows at your own pace.

Includes a quote and installation.

A black and white drawing of a person on a white background.

U-Do-It Plan

Plan to install your own windows? Under the

U-Do-It Plan, you can order and pick up one or more windows at a time from our warehouse and install at your leisure.

Financing Plans

We have worked diligently to make this happen for our customers! We are happy to offer Financing beginning at $500 with a plan based on your qualifications. We offer three Financing Plans:

A line drawing of three stacks of money on a white background.

Zero Plan

Zero Down and Zero Interest for 12-Months (same as CASH)

A black and white arrow pointing down on a white background.

Down Plan

A Down Payment and Zero Interest for 12-Months (same as CASH)

A black and white drawing of three lines on a white background.

Fixed Plan

Get a Fixed Interest Loan for a Designated Period of Time

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